Thursday, April 18, 2013

WHAT A MONTH THIS IS TURNING OUT TO BE!!! I feel like a reviving perennial, waking from the slumber of winter. New friends, visits with family, antiquing and out on the town forays with the significant other; things are just popping. Business (my crafting business, that is) is really picking up. I've put out more feelers, joined some crafting groups and have been posting pictures on Facebook, so I take some credit for the upturn. I've also been busy crocheting and sewing, too, and when I finish something, I put it on I like to try to list something every day; it helps to keep your shop in the forefront. Perhaps now that the election is in the past, people feel more comfortable about spending a little, not to mention some are getting their refunds about now. Whatever it is, I hope sales continue to trend upwards. Speaking of economics, the job I applied for recently didn't pan out. I've been an RN for 27 years, and have been on hiatus since a car wreck side-lined me for a time. I started writing articles to make ends meet, but the market dried up after about a year. I did get a bit extra in the settlement, so all's well for the time being; I don't need much except yarn and fabric, lol. After the physical therapy was done, there was still a healing period where being on my feet for 8 hours a day was not an option. I still am not sure that would be possible, but I'd be willing to give it a try. Unfortunately, it wasn't it the cards this time. Being the optimist that I am, though, this increase in custom orders for my crocheted articles has really buoyed my spirits and maybe life has other plans for me after all. Now, there are all these horrible happenings in the news and people are suffering and hurting from north to south & east to west in America. What I notice most is how stuff like that, awful as it is, tends to make us a better people; stronger in our love for neighbor, stronger in our resolve to live as good, decent people. That's what I take from it all. Comfort and peace to all those hurting from loss and injury.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Finally, a breath of springtime in the air! The Redbud and Flowering Almond are beginning to bloom in the back yard and the Primroses in the front. The Quince, Bradford Pear, Toadstool Trillium, Daffodils and Cut-leaf Toothwart are braver and have been showing themselves for a couple of weeks now, along with the Hyacinths, both wild and planted ones. They don't seem to mind the colder weather at all. I've even seen a large asparagus spear poking it's head up out of the still chilly soil. I see tulips buds getting ready to show their stuff, too. Nature is so magnificent.

Very soon, it will be difficult for me to stay inside and crochet or sew all day. I'll have to get out in the gardens, here and at the parent's home, which is where we plant vegetables. Their yard is flat and without rocks. Mine is sloped, full of rocks, and there is really no one spot that gets enough hours of sun to plant a vegetable garden. Many years of trial and tribulation have proved that to me. So, being it's only a short drive to the folks' house, we decided to do a large garden there. Last year was the first one doing so and, aside from the victims of drought, the plantings did well. Corn dried up, and the beans did, too. But we harvested a lot of tomatoes and squash, lettuces and chard. Hopefully, this years weather will cooperate more and we will be a bit more successful. Time will tell.

Anyway, the exercise as well as the food is so good for the body and soul, it's a win-win situation, no matter what the outcome of the crops. It's time to move more, sweat some and get dirty! I can't wait! I'll be sure to take pictures of the progress and stumbling blocks as they occur and post them here so you can see how I'm faring. In the meantime, if you are interested in what I've been up to all winter and fall and part of this spring, you can start here: