Friday, March 7, 2014

Missed February altogether!

I swore I'd blog at least once a month this year but, hell's bells, I didn't meet that goal, did I? In my defense, I have been very busy. I had several projects to finish that were put on hold by the Holidays. I did catch up finally, but then decided to participate in two Crochet-a-longs (CAL), one of which I've completed, and one Mystery Quilt project. Yes, I said QUILT! Yes, it's a pieced quilt, something I've attempted before, but didn't truly master. This one promises to be easy and do-able, so long as I can sew a 1/4 inch seam, cut and press properly. I won't lie, I'm scared! Fabric is expensive, first cuts petrify me most of the time, but, if I pull this off, it will be a 30 year dream fulfilled. I'm holding tight to that dream, too.

This is that first CAL project I mentioned. It is a Stripey Sampler Stitch Afghan and a stash buster. I'm keeping it. As you know, if you read my blog before, I have an ETSY shop (3Csshop) where I sell, mainly, my own crocheted items. However, there's no way I could part with this for any amount of cash. Really. The edges (not shown) came out wobbly, so I decided to cover them in fabric. Here's what I did:
First, I used felt fabric to even out the uneven sides, then I covered the felt with blue linen, pinning both sides so that the felt edges were caught beneath the folded seams of the linen. That was not as easy as one would think. 
Eh, voila'! This is how it came out! 
Not perfect but I think it's lovely and that's all that matters. Looks really nice draped over the end of my queen sized bed, too. 

The other CAL is a Red Hearts Yarn project. Theirs is in gray, mine is in shades of violet. So far I've done 10 inch granny squares - 10 of those- and one each of the three squares they've released thus far; actually I'm not quite done with the one that was released this past Wednesday. I'm not at all sure how many more squares there will be and they are only giving out the patterns for new squares every other week. No telling when that project will wrap up! Some folks participating are already joining the squares but not me, I've got to have them all before I know how I'll lay them out. 

Now, getting to the quilt, I've decided on my fabrics,
washed the fabric and, if all goes as planned, will spend the rest of today, pressing and cutting strips. If I have time, I will begin making squares from the strips. I do not expect to begin sewing until next week. Do wish me luck. Thanks in advance for that. I will need all the luck I can get.

UPdate - I kept that crocheted afghan. It's on my bed now and looks great still. Until next time, stay well, and
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
traditional gaelic blessing

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